Ways Through Which both People and Government can Save the Environment
Nature gives us many natural resources that we use in our everyday life. It becomes our responsibility to give back to nature by using these resources wisely. Unfortunately, humans have not been good to the environment for the past few decades. What could be a better example than the increased level of pollution, greenhouse gas emission, climate change, and deforestation? The most common cause of environmental damage is our consumption habits. People have a habit of buying unnecessary and cheap products. Think about the last time you bought something from a sale. Chances are you have done it recently. However, these small habits can increase your environmental impact. As a result, your carbon footprint increases drastically.
The government is taking many steps to make our planet as eco-friendly as possible. And while some of these efforts produce results, the government alone can’t fix the problems causing global warming. We need to work together to help the climate and prevent damage to the environment due to our actions. The best part is that going environment-friendly is not expensive or inconvenient. If anything, it will save you money in the long run. In this post, we will show you the ways you can do your part for the planet and how it will benefit you.

Focus on Your Eating Habits
This isn’t about changing your diet, but you should be more mindful of how much you purchase, how often you consume, and what packaging you purchase your food items in. Even small actions like carrying your plastic bags to the grocery stores can have a negative impact on our planet. Do you know the amount of food wasted in the US alone can be used to feed billions of people in the world?
Add to this the cost of transportation, production, and processing, and you will know how food wastage is one of the biggest culprits for the increasing carbon emission. That’s not even the worst part. The food that ends up in landfills takes a lot of time to decompose completely. Even after it has decomposed, it turns into harmful gasses like methane, which pollutes the atmosphere and causes further problems.
The question is, what can we do to stop the global food wastage problem.
Start with making a list of your groceries before you hit the grocery store. Never purchase anything without planning. Impulse shopping has become quite prevalent among households. People buy food in excess quantities in advance to save their trips to the grocery stores. Remember that you can always order food online but never buy in bulk. Also, check your trash cans regularly and note the type of food that you toss in the bins often. If possible, try to eat leftovers. Store the excess food in freezers and use it the next day. There are also many creative ways to use your leftovers for your meals.
Buy Secondhand Clothes
Around 700 gallons of water are used for growing enough cotton to produce one t-shirt. Now, think about the number of cotton t-shirts grown annually and how many of these end up in landfills. We are not asking you to stop wearing new clothes, but don’t buy too many outfits at once. The problem with the fashion industry is that trends change from time to time.
Buying a new t-shirt and throwing it away after a single use will definitely have a significant impact on our environment. It’s best to buy second-hand t-shirts from a vintage or thrift store. This doesn’t only apply to fashion accessories, but you should make a habit of scanning the second-hand items section for all types of consumer goods. For example, furniture, electrical appliances, and children’s toys need a lot of natural resources and energy for production.
You should also make a habit of buying locally. Not only does it promote the local farmers and producers in your area, but it helps you do your part for the environment. Wondering how? Food imported from international countries requires a considerable volume of fuel for delivery. You should rather shop from the local farmers.
Use Energy Wisely
Everyone switches off the lights and electrical appliances when they are not in use. But, do you know keeping the electrical appliances plugged (even if it’s switched off) can drain electricity? This is called phantom energy. Likewise, old and outdated electrical appliances might increase your energy bills significantly.
You should replace these devices with modern electrical appliances. If possible, conduct an electrical inspection as often as possible. In fact, you should book an electrical inspection service every 6 months to ensure that your electrical appliances are in working condition. Switch incandescent lights to LED bulbs. Replace your HVAC units with modern heating and cooling appliances. And maintain all electrical units regularly to save energy.
Replace your power grid with solar panels and other renewable sources of energy. The upfront cost of installing a solar panel might be high, but it will save you a lot of money and energy in the long run. Solar panels draw energy from sunlight. It stores this energy and powers your electrical appliances throughout the day.

Choose an Eco-friendly Mode of Transport
For long-distance traveling, the car seems the most reliable and convenient option. But, for shorter distances, consider biking, walking, or taking a bus. Public transport reduces carbon emissions as one bus carries multiple passengers.
This means fewer vehicles on the road and low emissions. Cycling is the best way to commute to work, school, grocery stores, supermarkets, etc. If you are going to a place within walking distance of your house, what could be a better way to reach there than by walking? Not only will it promote your health, but it will reduce your carbon footprint by reducing the level of emissions in the atmosphere. Not only do these eco-friendly modes of transport a sustainable option, but they save you significantly on fuel.
If you travel in public transport, instead of a car, you can save as much as 4800 pounds of CO2 emission every year. If you want to do your part for the planet, you can’t find a better opportunity. One of the many benefits of choosing public transport is that you get to walk to the bus stop or railway station. If you don’t get enough time to exercise at home, this 5-10 minute walk to the station will be enough.
Carpooling is another great idea for groups planning a trip together. Instead of taking multiple cars, you can use one car. This way, you can enjoy a memorable and fun vacation while protecting the environment fromcarbon emissions. Even small steps like shopping virtually instead of driving to the grocery store or supermarket can make a difference to the environment.
Promote Work from Home
This one can make a really big difference to the planet. Work from home has many benefits. From flexibility to convenience, the remote work model has become a trend for a reason. It gives people the convenience of working from the comfort of their homes. Besides that, people tend to feel more productive when they get to complete their routine chores from home. One of the obvious benefits of this remote work trend is the lesser carbon emission.
Think about it — the more people work from home, the lesser the carbon emission from the vehicles, as fewer vehicles will be on the road. Another benefit of remote work is the less use of paper. Since people will send the documents digitally and create files using PC’s built-in tools, it goes without saying that the use of paper will be reduced (if not eliminated entirely). Last but not least, remote work promotes less energy consumption. With people working from home, the offices will be closed. There will be fewer buildings using power as a result.
Limit Meat Consumption
You must be wondering how meat consumption is associated with your environmental impact. It takes a massive amount of land and a considerable amount of crops to feed and raise animals that give us meat and dairy products. Besides that, hundreds of gallons of water are needed to produce a crop that feeds an animal, giving us only a quarter beef pound. The worst part is that when these animals are slaughtered, they take time to decompose. They also release toxic gasses, like methane.
Bottom Line
Just like our survival depends on the environment, our planet also needs us to thrive. If we keep using the natural resources at a current rate, it is only a matter of time before we will run out of the natural resources. It’s our duty to save these resources for our future generations and, most importantly, take steps to preserve nature. A few steps, like changing the mode of transport and switching to sustainable shopping, will go a long way in reducing our carbon footprint. So, why wait? The above-mentioned steps are some easy ways to do your part for the planet. Take action NOW!
Thanks a lot for all this good information 🙂